Last week, we welcomed all of our new teammates to the club! And, with the help of Christian, Rachel and Kevin, we reviewed some of our first lessons. Christian told us about peace. As martial artists, we must never use what we learn in class for violence. We always need to find a peaceful way out of conflict - just like Jesus when he was arrested. Rachel told us about respect. As martial artists, we need to be respectful - just like Samuel. As martial artists, we show respect by:
Kevin told us about the importance of having a firm foundation in kung-fu and in our life. In kung-fu, our stance is our firm foundation and it gives us strength and stability and ensures we do not get pushed over. Jesus and his teachings give us a firm foundation in our lives and with him and his teachings, we will always have strength and stability in our life. _
We also reviewed that a good martial artist demonstrates love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. These are also the fruit of the Spirit which grow within us as we grow our relationship with Jesus and learn and practice his teachings. DECEMBER 19 We learned that there are some pieces of the Christmas story that are the opposite of what we might have expected but this is what makes them perfect
Want to hear a little bit more about how Christmas is a time of opposites? This really cool video offers lots of examples and is very smartly called "The Paradox of Christmas".... For Christmas, God gave us the perfect gift and this video sums up the reason for Christmas in a nutshell This song gets us to ask ourselves what other king would show us love like God did when He sent His Son... A neat video telling the Christmas story through Facebook..... A Christmas song talking about God's gift to us - His Son DECEMBER 12 We learned the reason for gifts is to show someone that we care about them and to make them happy. BUT We learned that gifts don't always have to cost anything -- it is the small things we do for others throughout the whole year, not just at Christmas, that can make them happy. This can be little things like:
We also learned that we can share our talents with other people and this can make them happy. We heard about the story of Aaron (the Little Drummer Boy), who was very talented at drumming, who played his drum for Jesus when he had no other gifts to bring - and in the story, Jesus smiles. Jesus likes it when we share our talents and when we do little things to show people we care for them. We also learned that God gave us the greatest gift ever -- Jesus! A special thanks to our Worship Team for sharing their musical talents with us! If you would like to hear them play again, you can catch them every Sunday at the Salvation Army at 10:30a.m. A really catchy song about how God gave us Jesus - the best gift ever A video talking about how to use and grow your talents A video talking about how to celebrate Christmas by keeping it simple - and spending it how Jesus would have wanted it DECEMBER 5 Laoshi Catherine offered us a very special lesson on generosity. She told us the story of when Zacchaeus met Jesus and of the generosity of both of them:
Because Jesus showed generosity and love to Zacchaeus, a man that everyone else hated, Zacchaeus' heart was transformed and in return, Zacchaeus showed generosity to others We should also strive to show generosity to others both inside and outside of our club A short video that reviews the story of when Zacchaeus met Jesus NOVEMBER 28
Last week, we learned that even though we normally think of kung-fu as an individual sport, it should also be thought about as a team sport...when we come together during classes and train together, we are actually one giant team. Coming together as a team can be really great because:
And, just like we can be part of a team in kung-fu, we can also come together as a team in our faith - a church is a good example of a giant team! The Bible talks about being part of a team -- when people work as a team, they can help each other and offer each other strength. A short but cool video on how one strand of rope can be weak but two strands of rope put together are made stronger -- this is similar to how a team can be stronger than one person alone. A boy talks about the importance of teams and friendships - and how God can bless them "It's no good to be alone" - the words of this song capture how important it is to be part of a team NOVEMBER 21 Laoshi Deb offered a very special presentation! Laoshi Deb told us the story of Abigail, David, and Nabal which shows how a "gentle word can turn away anger" (see Proverbs 15:1) In this story:
We also learned that as martial artists, we need to use gentle words instead of harsh words (which can lead to anger). A catchy song on being a peacemaker Here is a short video of the story of Abigail, David, and Nabal NOVEMBER 14 We learned that our uniforms give us power! We are now ambassadors for the club so our actions reflect on our classmates and the club BUT Just like Spider-Man says, "with great power comes great responsibility" (thanks Spider-Man)..... So, if our actions reflect on our classmates and the club, we need to represent the club well and show everyone love and kindness (even if we don't think we need to or should have to) The Bible also tells us that Christians are ambassadors for Christ This means that we need to represent Christ well in our daily lives and show love and kindness to everyone A short video on how we can be ambassadors with everyone we meet A powerful song about being letting our actions reflect Christ NOVEMBER 7
We learned that even though things don't always go as we plan, we can find joy in all circumstances. We learned about the Apostle Paul who is a good example of someone able to find and show joy in his circumstances. Even though Paul was put in prison for telling people about Jesus
This song talks about how God is with us - always - and always has a plan for us which allows us to have joy in our circumstances OCTOBER 31
We had a fun class where we
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We talked about:
This includes:
We learned about the importance of a firm foundation in kung-fu and in life. In kung-fu, having a firm foundation (a strong stance) allows us to:
In life, having a firm foundation (on Jesus' teachings) allow us to:
We can build our firm foundation by:
Thank-you to one of our students for suggesting this song about the wise and foolish builder!!
Here is cool video using Lego to review the parable of the wise and foolish builder
We learned about the most important quality that Sifus used to look for in a student before deciding to train them: respect An example of respect is found in the story of Samuel and Eli. Samuel showed great respect to his teacher, Eli. He showed respect by:
You can learn more about Samuel by reading 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel in the Bible.
OCTOBER 3 We learned about:
Martial artists do not encourage violence.
One of the fruit of the Spirit is peace.
We learned about:
As we work toward our black belts (which everyone can obtain if they work hard and don't give up), we are going to learn how to be respectful, kind, and peaceful. The Bible teaches us how to grow these qualities. |
Listen to Sifu Alan's favourite radio station
Thank-you, Jeneice for your beautiful drawing!
You are a creative and gifted artist and we are honoured to showcase your picture! |